Akihiro Kiuchi
Co-founder and CTO of ENIAQ Inc.
I am the co-founder and CTO of ENIAQ Inc. and a second-year Ph.D. student in the User Interface Research Group at the University of Tokyo, advised by Prof. Takeo Igarashi.
My interests focus on tools, systems, and standards that support creative activities across fields such as engineering, design, and research.
OSS Project
Zwin: XR Windowing System
Zwin is a Linux windowing system for XR. It allows you to use multiple 3D applications side by side, just like on 2D desktops.
Talks: MITOU'21 (Japanese), MITOU Advanced'22 (Japanese).
Jenkins Remoting Monitoring (Google Summer of Code'21)
This project supports monitoring and troubleshooting of Jenkins remoting system with OpenTelemetry.
Talks: DevOpsWorld'21, Jenkins Day Japan (No public archive).
Research Project
Publication (Poster)
ZIGEN: A Windowing System Enabling Multitasking Among 3D and 2D Applications in Immersive Environments
Akihiro Kiuchi, Taishi Eguchi, Jun Rekimoto, Manabu Tsukada, and Hiroshi Esaki.
In ACM SIGGRAPH 2022 Posters.